Youtube SEO
(Search Engine Optimization)

How To Get More Views on youTube fast
With The YouTube SEO Strategy!

In this article, I am gonna teach you how to get more youtube views organically. I am going to give you my #1 strategy to get youtube views.
You might have already stumbled upon a couple of websites or tutorials on how to grow a youtube channel, but nothing worked.
I know that because I've been there too. And I know that youtube is a hobby that you enjoy but can be a little frustrating sometimes when you don't get the appreciation you deserve.

Make sure to read this article to the end to get all the knowledge you need to get your videos to appear first in search results!


What is SEO?

SEO is short for search engine optimization. Basically that means making your videos more optimized for the search engine to allow it to detect that your video is the best for what the searcher is looking for. This is used via the title, description and tags. To make your videos more optimized you need to know how to use it. After that all you need to have is a catchy thumbnail and an interesting video and your videos will be exploding in no time!


For the title, you would want to find something catchy that will make people want to click. BUT you should also make it informative and inform what the video is about. Click here to learn how to choose a title!


The description is one of the most important things you need for a video to appear in search results. the description isn't supposed to be for viewers to read, its basically there only for the algorithm! BUT you still need to write something that looks natural because then youtube sees it as spam. Click here to learn how to write a description!


The tags is where you put all of your keywords you used in the title and the description. this is used for detecting what your video is about based on your title, description, and video transcript.

So How Do You Do It?

I use a tool called TubeBuddy. It's a browser extension for youtube to help people manage there youtube channels. This tool helps you rank tags and keywords within youtube so I will use this tool for this tutorial. (there is an SEO tool that helps you create your video’s SEO and make it appear first in search results). I personally prefer Tubebuddy but there are many other tools you can use to find keywords. Click Here To Download TubeBuddy For Free

How To Use TubeBuddy For SEO:

  1. Create a video.
  2. Search on youtube for the video you are creating (think as the viewers, what would you search if you wanted to find a video on that topic? Search for different variants of the same phrase). (ps. a “keyword” is the phrase the video is searched with. People usually search with sentences in the search bar and not individual words)
  3. On the right-hand side, you have a button that says “show keyword score”. Press it, and then check the score of each keyword
  4. Put all your keywords in the tags.
  5. Use the best keyword you found in the title.
  6. Write a short paragraph out of the other keywords you found at the start of the description and the keyword you used in the title (make it sound pretty natural cause if you don't so youtube will see it as spam and won't promote your video).
  7. Create another paragraph in the description (doesn’t really matter where) that uses all the keywords you found.
If you follow these basic steps for SEO your videos will get shown a lot!


NOW all you need to have is a good catchy thumbnail and high viewer retention!

Click here for tips on viewer retention!
Click here for tips on creating thumbnails!

get people to click the video


Once your video is shown, you need to have a catchy thumbnail so people will want to click on your video. I am gonna show you some tips on what should you have in your thumbnail!


One of the most important things you will want your thumbnail to do is give information about your video. Make sure to keep it simple. If your thumbnails are filled with text and pictures all over the place so your it will be messy confusing and people will be less likely to click on your video. The things that worked for me is to add a picture of what your video is gonna include plus a few words on what the video is about.

My formula: Show will be in the video + text that is informing the video topic + correct use of colors = click worthy thumbnail

When choosing what colors to use you should check the other videos on your topic and use something a little different. You should also keep in mind that your thumbnail shouldn't be to bright or dark. Choosing the correct colors for your thumbnail might be abit hard, but once you understand how colors work together for the human eye so it will be much easier. For example, if you want to use green and blue for your thumbnail you should also use orange or red to make it pop out. BUT make sure your thumbnails look good. You don't have to make your thumbnail look like a professional editor made it. just make it interesting!


It sometimes helps adding a reaction to your thumbnail. People sometimes are drawn towards videos that have some sort of reaction. Make sure that if you are using some sort of reaction in the thumbnail so your video should have some sort of reaction in it too!!!!


Blurred background of minecraft terrain with the text "basically a star wars mod" with two mandalorian armor examples from the video next to the text.this shows an example of a click worthy thumbnail so you will learn how to get more youtube views.Minecraft command blocks connected to each other in the background with the text "absolutely everything you need to know" on top. this shows an example of a click worthy thumbnail so you will learn how to get more youtube views.In the background two images - minecraft screenshot of two cats and a barrel - and an arrow pointing from one screen shot to another. in the right screen shot its the default minecraft texture and on the left a retexture. on top there is the text "how to make resource packs for minecraft". this shows an example of a click worthy thumbnail so you will learn how to get more youtube views.Minecraft terrain background with a gungan from star wars holding a personal energy shield and a player holding a minecraft personal energy shield. on top the text "personal energy shields in minecraft". this shows an example of a click worthy thumbnail so you will learn how to get more youtube views.

Viewer Retention

Now, if your videos are SEO, and you are having people click your videos, you need them to actually stay watching it! I have a few tips on how to make your video more interesting for people to watch!

  1. Sound Happy! When you are in a good mood so the viewer is automatically more interested to watch.
  2. Don't talk too slow or too fast. If you talk to fast, people won't be to keep up with what you're saying. If you talk too slow, people will get bored and click off to another video.
  3. Know what you are saying. I am NOT necessarily saying to make a script for your video cause that can be devastating. What you should do is prepare for what you want to say before saying it. Avoid saying stuff like "umm" because it sounds like you don't know what you are talking about. You should build the viewers trust in you and your channel so you need to at least sound like you know what you are saying.
  4. Move but not too much. You should move to catch the viewers attention. But if you move too much the viewer won't be able to concentrate.
  5. Have fun from what you're doing! If you aren't enjoying creating content so the viewers would sense that and wouldn't want to watch it.


These are the tips I have for you! Once you understand them, you will have views pouring in all over the place! Enjoy on making content and don't give up!